The mouse submaxillary glands contents were 202 09 ± 32 61ng/ mg. 小鼠颌下腺组织中NGF浓度为20209±3261ng/mg。
The NGF level in mouse submaxillary glands was ( 202.09 ± 32.61) ng/ mg. 小鼠颌下腺(每mg组织湿重)NGF含量为(202.09±32.61)ng。
Objective: to obtain the high purified and active nerve growth factor ( NGF) from mouse submaxillary glands. 目的:制备具有生物学活性的神经生长因子(NGF)。
These suggested the GnRH in the submaxillary glands may involves in the regulation of its developmental and mature process and its secretion function by autocrine way. 以上结果提示,GnRH可能以自分泌的方式参与了颌下腺的发育成熟过程及分泌功能的调节。
Methods: The NGF purified from mouse submaxillary glands was packed with liposome and prepared into freeze dying agent. 方法:将纯化得到的小鼠颌下腺的NGF用脂质体包裹后分别制成冻干剂型。
Among these patients, 12 cases located in parotid glands, 14 in submaxillary glands, 1 in sublingual glands and 48 in minor salivary glands. 腮腺12例,颌下腺14例,舌下腺1例和小涎腺48例。
In acute experiments infusion of hypertonic glucose solution and of normal saline neither induced spontaneous secretion nor affected the volume of the nerve-stimulated secretion of the parotid or submaxillary glands. 在急性实验,高血糖不能诱发唾液腺的分泌,亦不能使刺激鼓索神经、耳颞神经引起的唾液分泌量增加。
Methods: The process of deep second degree scald wound healing were comparatively observed in group A ( normal mice) and in group B ( both submaxillary glands removed) on the level of macropathology, histopathology and cytopathology respectively. 方法:采用病理学的技术和方法,分别从大体、组织与细胞水平对比观察摘除(B组)与不摘除(A组)颌下腺小鼠深二度烫伤创面的愈合过程。